With more than 300 tech-minds at your service (24/7), WordPress stands as one of the finest and the most feasible platforms which serve as the best Content Management System (CMS), for your digital-presence. Initiating its association with only blogging aspects (before 16-years), the platform has evolved a lot, supporting many different types of web-contents including more traditional mailing lists and forums, media galleries, membership sites, Learning Management Systems (LMS) and also online-stores. And for the love of improving at every stage (and that too on the continual basis), the organisation has initiated the holdings of different meets for the community(WordPress’s community) as a whole - The WordCamps.
Sharing the bold-bondage with ‘WordPress’, we have been an active contributor in the WordPress community. And keeping in mind the phrase which says, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”, we have also performed our bit for the platform by volunteering & sponsoring - few WordPress-events globally and want to support the eco-system in the local community too. Our recent visits for WordPress events were WordCamp US and WordCamp Seattle, 2019.
WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress, the free and open source personal publishing software that powers over 75 million sites on the web (that’s nearly the coverage of 35% of the entire Internet). The conferences come in all different flavours, based on the local communities that produce them, but in general, they include sessions on how to use WordPress more effectively, beginning plugin and theme development, advanced techniques, security, etc.
WordCamp Ahmedabad is the city’s only event going to be all about WordPress. Ahmedabad has a vibrant WordPress community and WCAhmedabad is voluntary organized local event tech conference that will cover everything about our favourite platform WordPress. No matter, whether you are a student, developer, tech-expert, small business owner, entrepreneur, blogger or marketer, WordCamp Ahmedabad has something to offer for every WordPress-enthusiast.
For the love of WordPressing and also to feel the ‘Amp. Of the WordCamp’, we too will be meeting you all, at the event. With hundreds of attendees, bunch of techie-speakers, and 100+ contributors, the event this year (2019) is going to be held on 14th & 15th of December. Hope to see you all there…
About Us
At AddWeb Solution, with over 5000 man-hours of WordPressing, since past 8+ years, our developer’s team has interestingly aced the framework. With a collective experience of more than 24 man-years, we’ve successfully partnered an array of IT & digital companies, globally. AddWeb Solution is consistently sloping upwards, providing the flawless WordPress development solutions, timely deliveries and boosting the overall productivity by ensuring maximum ROI.